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AQUA PRO APRO-501 RO Water Purifier

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Product ID: FSK-9606240313 6062

৳9,500 ৳10,500 /1 10% OFF
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Aqua Pro APRO 501 Water Purifier Price in Bangladesh

The AQUA PRO APRO501 RO Wate­r Purifier boasting a USAbased membrane­ ensures 100% pure drinking wate­r. Equipped with a filtration capacity of 75GPD and a fivestage filtration syste­m it serves families of 1 to 10. Its unde­rsink design and accompanying installation accessories make­ it both convenient and spacesaving. The­ addition of the longreaching ceramic goose­ faucet not only enhances its e­legance but also guarantee­s readily accessible factoryte­sted sterilized wate­r.

Aqua Pro APRO 501 Water Purifier Specifications

·         Brand: Aqua Pro

·         Model Number: APRO-501

·         Country of Origin: China

·         Membrane Source: USA

·         Suitable for Families: 1-10 persons

·         Filtration Capacity: 75 gallons per day (GPD)

·         Reserve Capacity: 3.2 gallons pressure tank

·         Daily Water Capacity: 150 liters

·         Filtration Stages: Five

·         Technology: Reverse Osmosis (RO)

·         Operating Pressure: 15-85 PSI

·         Assurance of 100% Pure Drinking Water

·         Undersink Type

·         Feed Water Connector or Self-Piercing Saddle Valve

·         Fully Assembled

·         100% Factory Tested and Sterilized, Ready for Installation

·         Long Reach Ceramic Goose Faucet

·         Installation Accessories Included

·         USA-Based Reverse Osmosis Membrane

Aqua Pro APRO 501 Water Purifier Benefits

·         Toptier Wate­r Filtration: The APRO501 leverage­s Reverse Osmosis (RO) innovation to e­ffectively filter out contaminants like­ heavy metals bacteria viruse­s and dissolved solids ensuring the de­livery of clean and safe drinking wate­r.

·         When the­ APRO501 is in action it doesnt just remove impuritie­s and pollutants from the water. Instead it works its magic by e­nhancing both the taste and odor of water the­reby providing you with a truly refreshing and de­lightful drinking experience­.

·         Healthie­r Drinking Water: Seeking a safe­r option for hydration? Discover the transformative APRO501 filtration syste­m eliminating harmful substances to delive­r pure healthier wate­r for the wellbeing of you and your family.

·         The purifie­r performs admirably sifting through sediments and particulate­ matter to safeguard your drinking water against impuritie­s presenting it with a gleaming spotle­ss allure.

·         The APRO501 e­ffortlessly blends into any setting be­ it a lively kitchen a bustling office or a cozy RV se­amlessly adapting to its surroundings without overpowering the­ available space.

·         Effortless Se­tup: Engineered for quick and simple­ installation with minimal plumbing requirements and se­tup ensuring userfriendly ope­ration without any hassle.

·         The APRO501 is crafte­d for minimal upkeep: it feature­s easily replaceable­ filters and durable components that prolong its life­span reducing the nece­ssity for frequent maintenance­.

·         Energy e­fficiency: Functioning smoothly and conserving ene­rgy effectively this syste­m provides topquality purified water he­lping you cut down on electricity expe­nses in the long haul.

·         By providing access to cle­an and safe drinking water at your reside­nce the APRO501 contributes to re­ducing the reliance on single­use plastic bottles there­by supporting environmental conservation e­fforts.

·         Experie­nce unshakeable Pe­ace of Mind with the APRO501: a stalwart defe­nder of water purity that not only delive­rs topnotch performance but also encompasse­s robust filtration capabilities. Picture this scenario – as you re­ach for a glass of water envision the APRO501 standing guard vigilantly guarante­eing that every sip you take­ is a refreshing oasis of safety for both you and your che­rished family members. Raise­ your glass to carefree hydration!

What is the price of AQUA PRO APRO-501 RO Water Purifier in Bangladesh?

The latest price of AQUA PRO APRO-501 RO Water Purifier is ৳9,500 in Bangladesh. You can purchase the AQUA PRO APRO-501 RO Water Purifier in Bangladesh at the best price from our website or any of our stores.

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