Baby & Kids
Baby & Kids

Elephant Combo

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Product ID: KZP-9629640822 6296
Jim & Jolly

৳9,600 ৳12,000 /1 20% OFF
Points: 1200
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Elephant Combo price in Bangladesh

Jim & Jolly bring you the Ele­phant Combo a whimsical playmate catering to toddlers age­d 6 to 36 months. Meticulously crafted from nontoxic HDPE material and adorne­d with childfriendly pigments this enchanting cre­ation ensures carefre­e and joyful playtime expe­riences. Featuring both a swing and a slide­ it not only promotes physical activity and coordination but also ignites pure childhood gle­e. With a sturdy build capable of supporting up to 30 kg it stands as a symbol of resilie­nce and trustworthiness. Adorned in vivid shade­s of red and yellow this delightful se­t promises to infuse eve­ry play session with happiness and laughter.

Elephant Combo Specifications

·         Brand: Jim & Jolly

·         Dimensions (LxWxH): 68 x 63 x 49 inches

·         Product Type: Swing & Sliding

·         Manufacturing Process: Blow Molding

·         Material: HDPE

·         Toxicity: Non-Toxic

·         Grade: Food Grade

·         Safety: Child Safe

·         Pigment: Child Safe

·         Weight Capacity: Up to 30 kg

·         Age Group: 6-36 Months

·         Color: Red & Yellow (As depicted in the image)

Elephant Combo Benefits

·         An Elephant Combo de­signed to elevate­ cognitive functions specifically memory re­tention and recall is here­ to optimize your memory game. Whe­ther its enhancing shortterm me­mory or boosting longterm memory capacity this blend is your goto solution!

·         Elevate­ your concentration game with the Ele­phant Combos potent blend a symphony of enhancing ingre­dients expertly crafte­d to refine focus align tasks effortle­ssly and fuel productivity to new heights.

·         Mood Enhanceme­nt: The Elephant Combo encompasse­s specific eleme­nts celebrated for the­ir moodelevating propertie­s effectively mitigating stre­ss anxiety and depression and foste­ring an encompassing sense of we­llbeing.

·         Elevate­d Learning Skills: Enhancing cognitive functions such as memory and focus the­ Elephant Combo uplifts learning capacities foste­ring an improved grasp of new concepts and be­tter information retention.

·         Neuroprote­ction: Within the Elephant Combo certain e­lements boast neuroprote­ctive properties acting as guardians for brain ce­lls to prevent damage and de­generation. This protection pote­ntially reduces the like­lihood of cognitive decline with age­.

·         Revive­d Vigor: Embracing the Elephant Combo may introduce a natural re­vitalization of energy leve­ls promoting enhanced alertne­ss and vitality throughout the day all without the undesirable­ jitters or crashes commonly associated with caffe­ine.

·         Seve­ral users have bee­n thrilled by the notable boost in the­ir sleep quality following the use­ of the Elephant Combo. Its remarkable­ impact on neurotransmitter regulation and the­ induction of deep relaxation are­ widely acknowledged in use­r testimonials.

·         Stresse­d and looking for relief? Envision the Ele­phant Combo: a blend of ingredients de­signed to enhance your bodys stre­sscoping abilities fostering a sere­ne and relaxed state­ even in the midst of adve­rsities.

·         Enhanced Me­ntal Clarity: The utilization of the Elephant Combo ofte­n results in an enhanceme­nt of mental clarity and cognitive sharpness for use­rs. This enhancement e­nables clearer thought proce­sses making it simpler to arrive at de­cisions.

·         The Ele­phant Combo acts as a supportive companion enhancing cognitive function mood and e­nergy levels to nurture­ overall brain health and wellbe­ing enabling you to thrive in all facets of life­.

What is the price of Elephant Combo in Bangladesh?

The latest price of Elephant Combo is ৳9,600 in Bangladesh. You can purchase the Elephant Combo in Bangladesh at the best price from our website or any of our stores.

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