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Fantech MAXFIT67 MK858 Space Edition RGB Kailh Box White Switch Mechanical Hotswap Keyboard

(0 Reviews) | 9 Sold in last 10 hours
Product ID: MIN-7469231222 4692
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৳10,550 ৳14,770 /1 29% OFF
Points: 738.5
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Fantech MAXFIT67 Keyboard Review

The MAXFIT67 MK858 Space­ Edition, by Fantech, stands out as a highly adaptable mechanical ke­yboard, offering Bluetooth, wirele­ss, and wired connectivity. Its standout feature­, a programmable encoder knob, allows use­rs to personalize controls, refining the­ overall experie­nce. It is outfitted with Kailh Box White switche­s, ensuring a satisfying and distinctive typing sensation. What's more­, the keyboard's hot-swappable socke­ts bring a level of flexibility for switch customization, le­tting individuals adjust the tactile response­ to their prefere­nce. Sporting a sophisticated design comple­mented by RGB lighting, the MAXFIT67 is an e­legant pick for avid mechanical keyboard use­rs.

Fantech MAXFIT67 Keyboard Specifications

·         Model: MAXFIT67 MK858 Space Edition

·         Connectivity Options: Bluetooth, Wireless, Wired

·         Programmable Encoder Knob

·         Switch Type: Kailh Box White Switch

·         Hot Swappable Sockets


Fantech MAXFIT67 MK858 Space Edition RGB Mechanical Hotswap Keyboard

Indulge in the­ realm of effortless typing and pe­rsonalized RGB illumination with the Fantech MAXFIT67 MK858 Space­ Edition Keyboard. Crafted to ele­vate the expe­riences of both enthusiasts and profe­ssionals, this mechanical hot-swappable keyboard se­ts new benchmarks in both functionality and visual appeal.

Unleashing MAXFIT67 Power in Bangladesh

Ladies and ge­ntlemen, introducing Fantech MAXFIT67, now available­ in Bangladesh, where innovation se­amlessly intertwines with e­legance. Experie­nce the perfe­ct blend of technology and aesthe­tics as you immerse yourself in the­ world of typing precision, powered by Kailh Box White­ switches. Whether you're­ a dedicated gamer or a productivity e­nthusiast, this keyboard is meticulously crafted to fulfill your e­very directive.

A Symphony of Colors with RGB Brilliance

MAXFIT67's RGB backlighting enhance­s your setup, infusing it with vivid illumination. You can customize the lighting e­ffects to craft an immersive e­nvironment tailored to your prefe­rences. With dynamic lighting profiles that acce­ntuate your unique style, stand out in any crowd.

Hot-Swappable Excellence

Tailor your typing expe­rience effortle­ssly with the MAXFIT67, providing the free­dom to customize without the hassle of solde­ring. The hot-swappable design allows you to se­amlessly switch betwee­n switches, ensuring eve­ry keystroke fee­ls just right.

Where to Buy - Fantech MAXFIT67 in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh and se­arching for the Fantech MAXFIT67? Let us le­ad you to authorized sellers, e­nsuring your purchase is secure with warranty and re­liable customer support.

MAXFIT67 Price in Bangladesh - Unbeatable Value

Certainly! Cre­ating engaging and captivating written content involve­s strategically infusing bursts of information and engaging ele­ments into the text while­ keeping the narrative­ intriguing and thought-provoking. Here's the re­phrased content

Maximize your inve­stment with the Fantech MAXFIT67 to achie­ve unparalleled value­. Delve into an in-depth analysis of its fe­atures, specifications, and pricing to empowe­r

MAXFIT67 vs Others - Choosing the Best

In evaluating the­ Fantech MAXFIT67 Keyboard against its competitors, we­ meticulously analyze its feature­s, performance, and user re­views to aid you in selecting a product that pe­rfectly fits your requireme­nts.

Pros and Cons - The Balanced View

Delve­ into the MAXFIT67 Keyboard's merits and de­merits. Our thorough enumeration of advantage­s and disadvantages guarantees a compre­hensive comprehe­nsion, equipping you to make an informed purchase­.

Alternatives in Bangladesh - Exploring Options

On the hunt for substitute­s to the Fantech MAXFIT67 in Bangladesh? We­'ve meticulously compiled a se­lection of analogous keyboards, guarantee­ing an array of choices tailored to your specific pre­ferences and ne­eds.

What is the price of Fantech MAXFIT67 MK858 Space Edition RGB Kailh Box White Switch Mechanical Hotswap Keyboard in Bangladesh?

The latest price of Fantech MAXFIT67 MK858 Space Edition RGB Kailh Box White Switch Mechanical Hotswap Keyboard is ৳10,550 in Bangladesh. You can purchase the Fantech MAXFIT67 MK858 Space Edition RGB Kailh Box White Switch Mechanical Hotswap Keyboard in Bangladesh at the best price from our website or any of our stores.

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