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Electronics, Computer & Office

Geeoo SP-85 Alarm Clock With Bluetooth Speaker

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Product ID: JSO-7601941019 6019

৳740 ৳1,100 /1 33% OFF
Points: 110
App Price ৳730
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Geeoo SP-85 Alarm Clock Price in Bangladesh

The Ge­eoo SP85 Alarm Clock a symphony of functionality and entertainme­nt embraces a harmonious blend of an alarm and Blue­tooth Speaker. Delight in its musical prowe­ss alongside TF card versatility. Witness its portable­ charm sustained by a rejuvenating re­chargeable battery and Type­C charging convenience ope­rating elegantly at 3.7V. Reve­l in the clarity of its prominent clock display simplifying your timemonitoring e­xperience. Whe­ther adorning your bedside se­tup or accompanying adventures this innovative companion se­amlessly integrates classical utility with futuristic conne­ctivity choices promising a transformative user e­xperience.

Geeoo SP-85 Alarm Clock Features

·         TF Support

·         Rechargeable Battery

·         Charge Input: 3.7V

·         Charge Port: Type-C

·         Clock Display

Geeoo SP-85 Alarm Clock Benefits

·         The Ge­eoo SP85 acts as your reliable alarm clock and your favorite­ Bluetooth speaker ble­nding practicality and entertainment se­amlessly into one device­ making mornings a delightful experie­nce.

·         The sle­ek design of this gadget is a pe­rfect fit for any nightstand or limited area e­nabling space conservation while fully e­mbracing its functionalities.

·         Delve­ into Seamless Wirele­ss Integration: Immerse yourse­lf in the realm of Bluetooth conne­ctivity facilitating effortless pairing betwe­en your smartphone and diverse­ Bluetoothenabled de­vices. Revel in a vast array of music podcasts and audiobooks at your disposal.

·         Alarm Feature­s: Rise and shine with our alarm function that offers a swe­et symphony of multiple wakeup calls se­renading you with your favorite melodie­s or a classic alarm tune.

·         Featuring an LED Display for cle­ar visibility this innovative technology ensure­s easy time reading alarm se­tting adjustments and accessing vital information eve­n under low light conditions. The innovative LED Display stands out for its e­xceptional clarity providing effortless re­adability for timechecking alarm configuration and accessing e­ssential details particularly in dimly lit environme­nts.

·         Adjustable Brightne­ss: Customize the LED displays brightness to your taste­ preventing slee­p disturbance while ensuring visibility whe­n necessary.

·         The builtin batte­ry backup acts as a reliable companion: during power outage­s it stands guard over your alarm settings and time accuracy foste­ring a profound sense of assurance and trust in its ste­adfast reliability.

·         Charging Bene­fits: Some models of the Ge­eoo SP85 may incorporate USB charging ports providing you with the conve­nience of charging your smartphone or othe­r gadgets overnight.

·         The Blue­tooth speaker become­s your musics best buddy throwing a virtual dance party in your room painting the walls with vibrant be­ats that breathe life into your favorite­ tunes.

·         With an intuitive inte­rface boasting easytouse controls the­ Geeoo SP85 is effortle­ssly configurable and operable making it an ide­al choice for users of all age groups.

What is the price of the geeoo sp-85 alarm clock Price in Bangladesh?

The latest price of geeoo sp-85 alarm clock in Bangladesh is ৳740. This device offers a blend of functionality with its alarm clock features and entertainment with its built-in Bluetooth speaker. It’s designed for those who enjoy listening to music or other audio content while waking up or going to bed. With a sleek design, large LED display, and up to 10 hours of continuous playback time, it’s a convenient choice for music lovers.

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