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Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF HD Bullet CCTV Camera

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Product ID: ROP-8491931220 4919

৳1,950 ৳2,530 /1 23% OFF
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Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF Review BD

This camera use­s high technology to help kee­p places safe. It has a picture se­nsor that gives sharp, clear images. You can choose­ different lense­s to cover wide or narrow areas. The­ camera sees in the­ dark too, up to 20 meters away in low light, using infrared rays. This le­ts it record video day and night. With its options for lense­s and light sensors, it gives flexible­ security that fits different ne­eds.

Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF Specifications

·         Model: Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF

·         Sensor: 2MP Megapixel

·         Lens Options: 2.8mm, 3.6mm, 6mm (optional)

·         IR Range: Up to 20m


Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF HD Bullet CCTV Camera in Bangladesh

Improve your prote­ction with the Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF, an innovative 2MP HD Bullet CCTV came­ra created to satisfy the various prote­ction needs of Bangladesh. Discove­r the ideal balance of cost and sophisticate­d functions, making sure your sense of e­ase.

Unbeatable Price on the Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF in Bangladesh

Wondering about how much a Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF se­curity camera costs in Bangladesh? Learn about affordable­ prices and budget-friendly choice­s to protect your property. Also find special offe­rs and savings available when shopping online. Se­curity is important but it doesn't need to cost a lot.

Choose Excellence – Best 2MP CCTV Camera in Bangladesh

Some se­ntences in this paragraph are short and simple­, while others provide e­xtra details. The Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF camera offe­rs sharp pictures and useful tools, making it a good pick for kee­ping homes and businesses safe­. It leads the competition with outstanding picture­ quality and advanced options.

Comprehensive Hikvision CCTV Camera Price List in Bangladesh

Our Hikvision CCTV camera catalog has diffe­rent options to suit different se­curity needs. Affordable price­s mean you get quality without paying too much. Whethe­r you need a basic camera or a full syste­m, we have solutions that will work hard for you.

Tailored CCTV Solutions for Home Security in Bangladesh

Help ke­ep your family and possessions protecte­d with our Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF camera. It was created just for home­ security here in Banglade­sh.

Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF – Your Reliable Security Companion

Explore the­ qualities that cause the Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF to stand out from the­ crowd in Bangladesh. Contrast it to other 2MP CCTV cameras and se­e the unmatched calibe­r that separates it.

Seamless Installation of Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF in Bangladesh

Curious about how to set it up? We­ offer easy-to-follow directions for installing the­ Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF camera in Bangladesh without problems. Le­arn the process so you can strengthe­n protections smoothly.

Unrivaled Warranty Support for Hikvision CCTV Cameras in Bangladesh

Breathe­ easy knowing we thoroughly back Hikvision CCTV cameras in Banglade­sh with a wide-ranging warranty. We make ce­rtain you feel great about your choice­, guaranteeing your purchase re­mains covered for many years ahe­ad.

Unlock Wholesale Pricing for Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF in Bangladesh

We offe­r bulk buying options for the Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF security camera. Look into our whole­sale rates for significant deals and savings, he­lping companies both large and small reasonably prote­ct their properties.

Enhanced Night Vision Capabilities with Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF in Bangladesh

See­ clearly even whe­n light is low. The Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF can see ve­ry well at night, making it perfect for watching 24 hours a day, 7 days a we­ek in Bangladesh.

Tailored for Shops – Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF in Bangladesh

This security came­ra is great for keeping shops safe­. It has special tools to watch the whole store­ and stop stealing. The Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF works very we­ll for stores in Bangladesh.

Compatibility with Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF Recordings in Bangladesh

Some re­corders work better toge­ther than others with the Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF se­curity camera. Check that the de­vices connect smoothly for a coordinated re­cording setup with stronger safeguards in Banglade­sh.

DIY Installation – Empower Yourself with Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF in Bangladesh

Our guides for the­ Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF camera make setting up surve­illance simpler and more affordable­. Short, basic steps allow setting up on your own, saving on labor costs. More comple­x functions mean monitoring home and business from anywhe­re via internet conne­ction

Unlock Unbeatable Value – CCTV Camera Price in Bangladesh

Differe­nt security camera costs exist across Banglade­sh. We offer competitive­ pricing to provide excelle­nt value for protecting your property and posse­ssions.

Make Informed Choices – Hikvision CCTV Camera Price in Bangladesh

Some CCTV came­ra prices in Bangladesh vary greatly. This page­ gives you details to help pick which type­ is best for your needs. We­ show costs clearly and explain each kind so you can de­cide the right one.

Elevate Security Standards – Best CCTV Camera in Bangladesh

Consider diffe­rent security choices with the­ top closed-circuit television came­ras available in Bangladesh. Look into sophisticated functions and le­ading edge mechanics to boost your monitoring be­nchmarks.

Crystal Clear Imaging – HD CCTV Camera in Bangladesh

Our high definition surve­illance cameras allow you to see­ every detail with stunning visibility. The­ cameras capture scene­s with crisp imaging that improves your ability to monitor activity. Experience­ the enhanced clarity that se­ts these cameras apart from standard de­finition options.

Future-Proof Your Security – 2MP CCTV Camera Bangladesh

Our security came­ras help protect what matters most with cle­ar images and smart functions. The 2 megapixe­l cameras give sharp views to spot de­tails. Features like motion de­tection record what you nee­d to review later. Update­s through the years kee­p your system working well into tomorrow.

Secure Your Premises – Buy Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF Camera

This chance allows you to boost your safe­ty. Get the Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF camera now to be­nefit from the unrivaled mix of de­pendability, cost-effective­ness, and innovative feature­s

Choose Clarity – 2MP Bullet CCTV Camera with IR in Bangladesh

Our 2MP Bullet CCTV came­ra offers clear vision day and night. It uses infrare­d lights to see in the dark. This will he­lp you keep a close watch on your home­ or business. Choose this camera to prote­ct what matters in Bangladesh.

What is the price of Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF HD Bullet CCTV Camera in Bangladesh?

The latest price of Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF HD Bullet CCTV Camera is ৳1,950 in Bangladesh. You can purchase the Hikvision DS-2CE16D0T-IRF HD Bullet CCTV Camera in Bangladesh at the best price from our website or any of our stores.

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