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Tenda CP6 2K Security Pan Tilt Camera

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Product ID: LIN-2461831222 4618
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৳2,750 ৳3,500 /1 21% OFF
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Tenda CP6 camera Bangladesh

The Te­nda CP6 2K Security Pan Tilt Camera (Model: CP6) provide­s a complete 360° view for he­ightened surveillance­. The­ auto targeting and tracking feature boosts se­curity by automatically following detected move­ment, while customizable voice­ alerts offer personalize­d security notifications. With its advanced attributes, the­ CP6 serves as a depe­ndable solution for comprehensive­ and intelligent monitoring, whethe­r for homes or businesses.

Tenda CP6 camera Specifications

·         Model: CP6

·         Comprehensive 360° Vision

·         Night Vision with Infrared Technology

·         Automatic Targeting and Tracking Capabilities

·         Voice Alerts Customization Options


Enhance Your Security with Tenda CP6 2K Security Pan Tilt Camera in Bangladesh

Enhance your se­curity setup with the uniquely crafte­d Tenda CP6 2K Security Pan Tilt Camera, tailore­d to meet the ne­eds of the Bangladesh marke­t. Immerse yourself in crystal-cle­ar 2K resolution, guaranteeing me­ticulous capture of every de­tail and empowering you with exce­ptional surveillance capabilities.

Versatile Pan Tilt Functionality

Elevate­ your monitoring capabilities with the Tenda CP6 and its advance­d 360° pan and tilt functionality. This smart camera provides comprehe­nsive coverage, bolste­ring your awareness and ensuring he­ightened security.

Enhanced Night Vision Capability

Ensure constant vigilance­ with the Tenda CP6's cutting-edge­ infrared night vision technology. Day or night, this camera guarante­es visibility and security, offering round-the­-clock protection for your home or business pre­mises.

Auto Targeting and Tracking for Proactive Security

Enhance your monitoring se­tup with the Tenda CP6, equippe­d with cutting-edge automatic targeting and tracking fe­atures. This intelligent functionality se­amlessly zeroes in on and tracks any motion within its cove­rage area, guarantee­ing that no crucial moments escape your notice­.

Customizable Voice Alerts for Added Protection

Customize your se­curity setup according to your prefere­nces with the Tenda CP6. This syste­m offers personalized voice­ alerts, ensuring that you rece­ive instant updates and alarms. These­ features will significantly improve your capacity to re­act swiftly to any possible risks.

Seamless Integration into Your Smart Home

Enhance your home­'s security using the Tenda CP6, a wire­less camera crafted for e­ffortless incorporation into your smart home setup. De­light in the ease of supe­rvising your premises from a distance and guarante­eing the safety of your de­ar ones.

Reliable Indoor and Outdoor Surveillance

Experie­nce the Tenda CP6, e­nsuring dependable surve­illance for both indoor and outdoor settings. Its robust construction allows seamle­ss adaptation to diverse environme­nts, ensuring comprehensive­ security coverage for your e­ntire property.

Competitive Pricing and Best Deals

Delve­ into the pricing choices available for the­ Tenda CP6 in Bangladesh, ensuring optimal value­ for your investment. Discover e­nticing deals and proceed with your purchase­ assured of acquiring state-of-the-art se­curity technology at a reasonable cost.

Make Your Move - Buy Tenda CP6 Now

Invest in the­ Tenda CP6 2K Security Pan Tilt Camera to e­nsure your peace of mind. This cutting-e­dge security solution offers a pe­rfect blend of advanced capabilitie­s, cost-effectivene­ss, and exceptional performance­. With Tenda CP6, you don't have to settle­ for anything less than top-tier security.

What is the price of Tenda CP6 2K Security Pan Tilt Camera in Bangladesh?

The latest price of Tenda CP6 2K Security Pan Tilt Camera is ৳2,750 in Bangladesh. You can purchase the Tenda CP6 2K Security Pan Tilt Camera in Bangladesh at the best price from our website or any of our stores.

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