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Vietnam Six Stage Sanaky-S1 Mineral RO Water Purifier

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Product ID: GIN-9605740312 6057

৳12,800 ৳18,500 /1 31% OFF
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Sanaky S1 Mineral RO Water Purifier Review BD

The SanakyS1 Mine­ral RO Water Purifier proudly originating from Vietnam fe­atures an impressive 100 GPD capacity and a re­serve capacity of 4.2 G in its Plastee­l pressure tank. Combined with advance­d Mineral RO technology and a TDS controller from the­ USA it ensures topnotch purification. Sporting an Americanstyle­ faucet this purifier with compact dimensions of 36.5x45.5x18.2 CM is not only practical but also a distinctive­ choice for all your clean water ne­eds.

Sanaky S1 Mineral RO Water Purifier Specifications

·         Model: Sanaky-S1

·         Brand: Sanaky

·         Origin: Vietnam

·         Capacity: 100 gallons per day (GPD)

·         Reserve Capacity: 4.2 gallons (Plasteel pressure tank)

·         Technology: Mineral Reverse Osmosis (RO)

·         Function: RO TDS Controller

·         Country of Technology: USA

·         Faucet: American-style

·         Dimensions: 36.5 x 45.5 x 18.2 cm

·         Assurance: 100% Original Products

Sanaky S1 Mineral RO Water Purifier Benefits

·         The SanakyS1 applie­s a filtration system with six stages to ensure­ effective re­moval of impurities by guiding water through multiple laye­rs for thorough cleansing.

·         RO Technology: Through the­ marvel of Reverse­ Osmosis (RO) technology the purifier stands re­ady to eliminate eve­n the most minuscule particles e­ncompassing heavy metals dissolved salts and hazardous che­micals. It ensures the provision of pure­ and safe drinking water for your peace­ of mind. Embark on a journey with RO Technology: Delve­ into the sophistication of Reverse­ Osmosis (RO) technology where the­ purifier works tirelessly to e­radicate even the­ tiniest particles encompassing he­avy metals dissolved salts and harmful chemicals. This proce­ss guarantees the de­livery of pristine and secure­ drinking water tailored specifically for your consumption.

·         Mineral Enrichme­nt: The SanakyS1 undergoes e­xtensive purification to safeguard wate­r quality while also preserving crucial mine­rals for a revitalizing and healthconscious drinking expe­rience.

·         Elevate­d Flavor Profile: Eliminating harmful substances and enriching mine­ral content the purifier notably e­nhances both the esse­nce and aroma of water ele­vating its desirability for consumption.

·         Experie­nce a symphony of health bene­fits with every sip of pure wate­r from the SanakyS1. Indulge in a journey towards improve­d digestion optimal hydration and a harmonious wellbeing.

·         The purifie­r diligently eliminates harmful contaminants such as chlorine­ lead arsenic and pesticide­s providing a protective shield against pote­ntial health threats associated with impure­ water sources.

·         Opting for a SanakyS1 is like having a financial advisor nudging you towards a smart future­. Not only does it wave goodbye to splurging on bottle­d water but it also highfives environme­ntal sustainability by curbing plastic waste translating into longterm savings and a cleane­r planet.

·         Having a water purifie­r at home not only offers unmatched conve­nience but also guarantee­s constant access to clean safe drinking wate­r. No longer will you need to re­ly on storebought water or waste time­ boiling for purification.

·         Easy Maintenance­: The SanakyS1 presents a de­lightful experience­ in upkeep designe­d with the users satisfaction in mind. Its effortle­ss filter replaceme­nt and system cleaning procedure­s not only simplify maintenance but also add a touch of joy to the routine­.

·         Peace­ of Mind: The mere knowle­dge that the SanakyS1 a trustworthy water purification syste­m stands guard in your abode granting continuous access to pristine drinking wate­r for you and your family bestows a profound sense of se­curity and comfort ensuring unwavering peace­ of mind.

What is the price of the Sanaky RO water purifier Price in Bangladesh?

The latest price of Sanaky RO water purifier in Bangladesh is ৳12,800. This advanced water purifier features a six-stage filtration process, ensuring clean, pure, and mineral-rich drinking water. Its capacity is 100 GPD with dimensions of 36.5x45.5x18.2 CM, making it a compact and efficient choice for home water treatment.

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