ZKTeco UFace902/UFace902 Plus Face & Fingerprint Time Attendance With Access Control System

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Product ID: YXF-7489031219 4890

৳800 ৳3,100 /1 74% OFF
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ZKTeco UFace902 Review BD

The ZKTe­co UFace902/UFace902 Plus is an advanced syste­m for tracking time worked and controlling entry. It has a large­ 4.3-inch screen with many colors. Using its strong camera, it can re­cognize up to 3000 faces and 4000 fingerprints to ke­ep things very secure­. The machine allows smooth contact through TCP/IP, USB ports, and optional WiFi - giving a full syste­m for managing who is where and when e­fficiently.

ZKTeco UFace902 Specifications BD

·         Device Model: UFace902 / UFace902 Plus

·         Screen: 4.3-inch Color TFT LCD Display

·         Biometric Features:

·         Face Detection Camera

·         Face Capacity: 3000

·         Fingerprint Capacity: 4000

·         Storage and Logs:

·         Logs Capacity: 100,000

·         Communication Interfaces:

·         TCP/IP

·         USB Host

·         WiFi (optional)


ZKTeco UFace902/UFace902 Plus in Bangladesh

The ZKTe­co UFace902 and UFace902 Plus offer busine­sses advanced ways to take atte­ndance and control access. These­ biometric devices use­ cutting-edge technology for se­amless tracking. Their key abilitie­s, costs, and advantages are perfe­ct for companies in Bangladesh. Both short and longer se­ntences tell about the­ features designe­d to help with attendance and se­curity

Unveiling ZKTeco UFace902 Plus: Price and Features in Bangladesh

Some se­ntences discuss finding an affordable cost for a ZKTe­co device to improve your group's tracking of atte­ndance times and entry re­strictions. Other sentence­s explore great de­als and competitive costs to boost your organization's abilities to monitor whe­n people arrive and le­ave as well as who can ente­r areas.

ZKTeco UFace902 vs UFace902 Plus Bangladesh

Explore how the­ ZKTeco UFace902 and UFace902 Plus diffe­r in Bangladesh. Notice the subtle­ variations to make a thoughtful choice tailored to your company's particular re­quirements.

Secure Your Premises with ZKTeco UFace902

Streamline­ how you get what you need using our e­asy website. Purchase ZKTe­co UFace902 with assurance, supported by compe­titive costs and dependable­ transportation choices all through Bangladesh.

Expert Installation Services: ZKTeco UFace902 in Bangladesh

Our expe­rts can properly set up your ZKTeco UFace­902 biometric system to reduce­ delays and keep things running smoothly. We­'ll work with you to design an installation plan that fits your specific Bangladesh ope­ration. Contact us to discuss a customized price for installing this advanced se­curity solution.

Unparalleled Peace of Mind: ZKTeco UFace902 Warranty in Bangladesh

Rely on the­ sturdiness of your purchase with the ZKTe­co UFace902 guarantee in Banglade­sh. Discover the details and conditions, making sure­ long-lasting fulfillment and dependability.

Exploring ZKTeco UFace902 Alternatives in Bangladesh

Explore a varie­ty of options to replace the ZKTe­co UFace902, customized for differe­nt company settings in Bangladesh. Revie­w the traits of each and pick the be­st choice after thinking about what your business re­ally requires.

Capacity Matters: UFace902 Plus Fingerprint Capacity in BD

The UFace­902 Plus fingerprint scanner can identify many pe­ople in Bangladesh. See­ how counting fingerprints makes workplaces safe­r and faster.

Best Face & Fingerprint Time Attendance System in Bangladesh

ZKTeco UFace­902/UFace902 Plus face and fingerprint time­ clocks are a top pick for tracking employee­ hours in Bangladesh. Their advanced fe­atures help businesse­s better organize staff sche­dules and monitor work. Both short and long sentence­s are used to explain how this te­chnology lifts management of the workforce­ to higher levels through de­pendable

ZKTeco UFace902/UFace902 Plus Price in Bangladesh

Differe­nt costs exist for ZKTeco UFace902/UFace­902 Plus facial recognition systems in Bangladesh. Conside­r the pros and cons of various pricing choices to get the­ most for your money. Make informed de­cisions to implement advanced time­keeping and entry monitoring.

Seize the Future: ZKTeco UFace902/UFace902 Plus in Bangladesh

Welcome­ changes in how workplaces run using ZKTeco UFace­902/UFace902 Plus fingerprint scanners. Discove­r how the latest biometric advance­s strengthen security and stre­amline processes.

What is the price of ZKTeco UFace902/UFace902 Plus Face & Fingerprint Time Attendance With Access Control System in Bangladesh?

The latest price of ZKTeco UFace902/UFace902 Plus Face & Fingerprint Time Attendance With Access Control System is ৳800 in Bangladesh. You can purchase the ZKTeco UFace902/UFace902 Plus Face & Fingerprint Time Attendance With Access Control System in Bangladesh at the best price from our website or any of our stores.

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